Thursday, November 6, 2008
Barbary Pirates
Thomas Jefferson ran into quite an international problem with the Pirates of Tripoli. The United States had never fought a war overseas, and the U.S. Navy was nothing really to speak of.
The links below are the ones we will use in class...
American Memory
Comic Strips
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Now what?
The below chart further evaluates the problems with the Articles of Confederation
* Unicameral Legislature |
* No national executive |
* Currency Problems: Many states printed their own money. The national currency, meanwhile, became almost worthless * Intrastate Commerce: States placed tariffs on each other's goods. This, combined with currency problems, led to a sharp decline in intrastate commerce * Foreign Trade: Other countries placed tariffs and trade restrictions on US goods; the US was not able to reciprocate. The absence of a strong navy also left US merchant ships vulnerable to pirates. * Foreign Affairs: The inability of the national government to raise an army left the US vulnerable. For example, key provisions of the Treaty of Paris, which ended the Revolutionary War, were not enforced. As a result, the British continued to occupy forts in the Northwest territory -- landed that had technically been ceded to the US. |
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
American Revolution Inspiration
To open Inspiration go to your Novell Applications, then click on creativity, then open Inspiration.
Within Inspiration go to the templates, click the plus sign next to Social Studies to bring down a list. Open the Timeline Template.
There are eight events you are to put into order. These include
1. The Battle of Saratoga
2. Lexington and Concord
3. The Boston Massacre
4. The Treaty of Paris
5. The Intolerable Acts
6. The Boston Tea Party
7. The Battle of Yorktown
8. The Battle of Trenton
Put the events in order by date, then in each title box explain in two sentences
1. What Happened?
2. Why was it important?
To Save the work open the school's shared drive, the open "Fulbright World & U.S. History), then open American Revolution and lastly save it under American Revolution Inspiration Student Copies.
If you don't want to do the work on Inspiration then you will have to draw out the timeline and fill in the information by hand. You will be held to high standards for appearance and organization (two things which are much easier on Inspiration).
Monday, September 15, 2008
American Revolution Newscast
Well we are going to find out, because you are going to become those news reporters. You will get into a small group of 3-4 people. You will create four news segments as described below. First you are to research. Then you will create a script to read. Lastly you will record the news segment with a video camera. You will have to research as a group and present as a group. You are all accountable for the group’s work, so make sure everyone carries their “weight”.
You are to do 4 “News segments”
1. A “look back at the Declaration of Independence”. In this section your script should do such things as look back at the causes of the document and then its creation.
2. Pick any event in the “middle” of the Revolution; this would include such things as the Battle of Trenton, The Siege of Boston, Battle of New York, it could be a special section on one individual like George Washington or John Adams, etc. Make sure you get your topic approved by the teacher before you start creating it.
3. The third section is one to call your own, this can be a section on just about anything with any relevance, or at least a lot of creativity in your making it up. You could be reporting on the weather, covering sports, music, a play, etc.. Keep in mind this section will be interrupted for the last section, and will not be finished. Make sure you get your topic approved by the teacher before you start creating it.
4. Lastly, you are to make a “Breaking News Bulletin; The British have just surrendered at Yorktown!!!!!!” This should be interrupting the regular broadcast during your “creative” story. Cover the events through someone “at the scene” to tell what is happening as the British surrender.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Could you make it across the Borders?
Living in the United States is a highly sought after privilege, which many people risk their lives for. For a person to become a citizen of the United States through the legal process, while not exactly deadly, can be extremely difficult. After dealing with the piles of paperwork, possibly years on waiting lists and all the other “red tape” immigrants have to face in order to officially become citizens they have to pass a test. These tests are typically 100 questions long and deal mainly with American History and Government, but can include other questions as well.
So the question is- Do you have what it takes to become a citizen? Do you deserve to be here?
Prove it. Go to msnbc’s website and take the test.
These are examples of some other questions which could have been on the test.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Get a Job!
Your assignment is to take on the “character” of George, John, Ben or Thomas and fill out an “application” for a job at McDonalds. You are to fill out this application as that “character,” this means you fill it out “George Washington” where it says “name” don’t write “Your name here.” Fill out this application like you really want the best job possible, the leadership question is very important. Do your best work because after the worksheet is done you will have to do an interview as that person.
You will find this application under;
1. My Computer
2. Shared Drive
3. Fulbright World & U.S. History
4. American History
5. McDonald’s Application.
Download this file and save it to your P: Drive, then open it in a Word Document. You can either fill it out on the computer or print a hard copy to write on.
If you would like an alternative assignment, we can arrange for you to write a three page biography of the character instead.
Due date WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 10th at the end of the hour. A letter grade a day will be lost.